I think I must have been dreaming about a field trip to South Australia, as whilst I was working on this sketch, I felt a sudden urge to disappear into space….not literally, I’m not sure these rocket builders quite have their machines failsafe enough yet, but ‘space’ as in wide open space…..
I did a journey many years ago in a grumpy old van across the Nullabor plain, which left quite an impression on me, having grown up surrounded by the rolling green hills of the English countryside.
I found I could create such a wonderful variety of earthy colours, from just two main ones Phthalo Turquoise and Orange.
I allowed myself a spot of Burnt Umber as my dark admixture which created all kinds of lovely russet oranges and with white added, I found myself venturing off into the world of peach, which sits really well as a lighter contrast to the darker colours.
I could honestly play with colour like this all day, every day, I think! I used to paint quite a lot with reds and oranges, but mostly straight out of the pot. Loving the nuances that appeared in this sketch. I don’t have many gel prints in these colours, so this sketch was mostly done with paint, which might be something to rectify…. Is my ‘green period’ over I wonder?!
My verticals are still clearly a thing, but the horizontals that have surfaced in this sketch have a lovely organic feel. I think this one is going up on the studio wall for a while – it’s a bit of a contrast to all the greens that are going on with my wall of curiosities, but maybe they needed a nudge anyway!
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